I have a custom board running code (RA6M5/FSP4.5.0/FreeRTOS) which can occasionally generate a hard-fault.
The hard-fault is related to memory access performed inside a critical section. When the system operates solely using taskENTER_CRITICAL() or taskENTER_CRITICAL_FROM_ISR() everything works fine. But mixing the two will eventually cause a hard fault.
The debugger when the hard fault occurs makes the call stack look nonsensical. Its hard to get insight once you are in the hard fault handler.
Investigating taskENTER_CRITICAL I saw this on line 198:```NOTE: This may alter the stack (depending on the portable implementation)so must be used with care!```
This lead me to assume this was the case and try to use methods that might fix the issue. In particular I added calls to __DSB() at the beginning of each critical section. These seem to work but only when I run the program using the debugger.
I'm open to trying different primitive instead of a critical section. Inside that critical section is access to a simple circular buffer.
I've been reading https://www.freertos.org/RTOS-Cortex-M3-M4.html , I'm currently using a CM33 (RA6M5) so I believe it applies.
R7FA6M5BH.h defines __NVIC_PRIO_BITS as 4 which would mean that configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY = 1 << (8-4) = 16
If I read the documentation correctly this means that I would have to specify any interrupt that uses a critical section at 16 or above... Trouble is 15 is highest priority I can set with the FSP.
Am I missing something here?
If the program runs for a long time and then hangs, it could be because a stack overflow. Please try to increase the stack size.
Also when the hard fault occurs, what information do you get from the Fault Stats window on e2studio ?
AZ-Renesas said:If the program runs for a long time and then hangs, it could be because a stack overflow. Please try to increase the stack size
I have tried increasing the stack it did not change the behaviour.
AZ-Renesas said:Also when the hard fault occurs, what information do you get from the Fault Stats window on e2studio ?
I don't think it is available to me using the RA6M5/FSP4.5.0. At least I can't find it.