Clock stretching for I2C master interface on RA6M5


does the RA6M5 I2C master IP support clock stretching? I don't find this feature mentioned in the hardware user manual.

If not, is there an existing RA MCU supports this feature in I2C master IP? I've browsed a few RA MCUs (e.g. RA4M1) but I could not find this. The only place I found is in RA8M1, that clock streching is supported by I3C interface when working in I2C mode.


  • Hello,

    Clock stretching is used by a I2C slave device to keep the SCL line low and have more time to handle data or prepare a response for the master device. It is not normally used by I2C master device.

    FSP supports clock stretching on I2C slave modules.

  • Hi,

    thanks for the quick response. 

    My understanding for clock streching on master side is that, when slave is streching the clock (holding clock line low), the master could:

    -  wait until it can drive to expected state, so further clocks are merely delayed. This is successful support of clock streching on master side.

    - drive the SCL line without monitoring the state. This may end up in a NACK, as the slave will unlikely ack the 9th clock (the clock would not be really created on the bus). This is a failure of supporting clock streching on master side.

    - Drive the SCL line and monitor the state, and raise error as it cannot drive it to expected HIGH. This is another form of faling to support clock stretching.


  • Hi,

    thanks for the quick response. 

    My understanding for clock streching on master side is that, when slave is streching the clock (holding clock line low), the master could:

    -  wait until it can drive to expected state, so further clocks are merely delayed. This is successful support of clock streching on master side.

    - drive the SCL line without monitoring the state. This may end up in a NACK, as the slave will unlikely ack the 9th clock (the clock would not be really created on the bus). This is a failure of supporting clock streching on master side.

    - Drive the SCL line and monitor the state, and raise error as it cannot drive it to expected HIGH. This is another form of faling to support clock stretching.


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