We are using rm_audio_playback_pwm and an AGT to generate audio pwm output.
In order to have a simple R/C filter design and still have a noise-free audio, we would like to have the PWM period set at least at 5 times the highest audio fequency.
- sample rate: 22 kS/s
- highest audio frequency: 11 kHz
>> desired PWM period: >50 kHz
However, there is no option to set the PWM period independently from the sample rate. Instead, the period is locked:
Is there any simple way to get the PWM period detached from the sample rate, or have a fixed ratio other than 1?
Hello RalfG,
PWM period of AGT is defined from the playback Speed with a fixed ratio 1:
Yes, I know. That's why I ask if there is a method to change that.
See my initial question:
Would it help to use GPT instead?
The playback PWM stack has been designed for fixed ratio 1, either you use AGT or GPT stack.