We've had a couple of R7FA6E10F2CFP that only seem to program once, and that's it. We are using P&E programmers in our production, and no bits are changing in the chip configuration. They will no longer erase. I've tried downloading Renesas Flash Programmer, and tried using the J-Link to try to clear it up, but it just reports that the erase operation failed. Is there a way to get them working again? More importantly, what causes them to get this way?
On Renesas Flash Programmer select J-Link and 2-wire UART interface and try to initialize the device from Target device->Initialize Device.
Does it fail ? If yes what are the error logs ?
Also what J-Link debugger are you using ?
Hi, I have no option to select 2-wire UART interface, and I have no "Initialize Device" option under target device. I am using the J-Link Base, and using the SWD connection.
This is the error I get when I try to erase.
I tried reading the option setting memory, it is all 0xFF.
Try to set the above mentioned settings when creating a new RFP project.
This is the result. How is it going to work over UART if the J-Link is connected using the SWD pins?
When I create the project in RFP I can select between 2-wire UART and SWD
I suspect that once you have created a project using SWD, this cannot be changed, and you would need to create a new project.
I created a new project, and selected 2-wire UART. As you can see from the screen shot, it didn't work. Do the SWD pins (SWCLK, SWDIO) work as UART pins? I only have an SWD connection to the chip.