RA6 won't erase

We've had a couple of R7FA6E10F2CFP that only seem to program once, and that's it.  We are using P&E programmers in our production, and no bits are changing in the chip configuration.  They will no longer erase.  I've tried downloading Renesas Flash Programmer, and tried using the J-Link to try to clear it up, but it just reports that the erase operation failed.  Is there a way to get them working again?  More importantly, what causes them to get this way?

Parents Reply
  • Please check the power supply of the device. How have you connected VCL pin ?

    Do you have a custom board or FPB-RA6E1 ? If it is a custom board can you share the schematic of MCU ? 

    The Initialize command is executed in boot mode. J-Link can support serial programming over via 2-wire UART if the SCI9 UART pins are connected to the TDO/TDI pins and P300/SWCLK are connected with P201/MD pins.

    Otherwise you can use a USB-to-UART converter and connect to SCI9 UART pins or use the USBFS port to enter boot mode.
