RA2A1 Self Test Image rebuild error

Hi there!

I'm using a custom user board with R7FA2A1AB3CFM (RA2A1 family). When I finish the code to be loaded on the board, I add the self-test feature and create the addcrc.srec image to do the ROM test. When I do it for the first time, everything works fine, but when I modify the code (not the self-test part, but my code part) I can't rebuild and create a new addcrc.srec file. First, I make a clean project and then compile it with the command specified in the post-compilation message "arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O srec "${ProjName}.elf" "Original.srec" & ${ProjDirPath}/srec/srec_cat @${ProjDirPath}/srec/CRCcalcCmd256KB.txt" in Project/Properties/C C++ Compilation/Settings -> Compilation Steps -> Post-compilation Steps -> Command(s). The error I get is the following:

arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O srec "RA2A1_Safety.elf" "Original.srec" & C:/git/RA2A1_Safety/srec/srec_cat @C:/git/RA2A1_Safety/srec/CRCcalcCmd256KB.txt

srec_cat: Original.srec: 2305: hexadecimal digit expected

make[1]: [makefile:139: post-build] Error 1 (ignored)

I understand that there is a file or dependency that I must get rid of every time I rebuild the project, but I can't find it. I've tried deleting the addcrc.srec and Original.srec files but nothing. The solution I have found is to make the code in one repository and the addcrc.srec in another, so that every time I need to modify the code I work in the first repository and when I need to create the addcrc.srec I completely delete the project from the second repository and put the modified one to make a clean compilation of the addcrc.srec, but it is not a good solution. Is there any way to be able to rebuild the addcrc.srec after modifying the code easily?

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,

Aitor Azkolain