Hello all
I have a project based on RA4M1 that uses I2C with several devices (RTC, GPIO expander) without any problem. The program uses FSP 5.1.0. A few days ago, I had to make some major changes in some functionalities so I thought to make the most and update the FSP too. That was my first step, to update FSP from 5.1.0 to 5.4.0. But unfortunately, in the first tests after the updating I see the I2C is not working properly: the first write to I2C the program tries to do it gets error FSP_ERR_IN_USE. I have gone back to the version that uses the 5.1.0 (using the same hardware) and the error does not appear, everything runs smoothly.
Any suggestion or idea to know what's going on?
NOTE: to be able to compile after the updating I had to set value "Enable" to parameter "DTC on Transmission and Reception" in "r_iic_master" in all I2C stacks I had in the project. In the previous version of this project (the one using FSP 5.1.0) I was using DTC too in the same way but don't remember if there was a parameter called "DTC on Transmission and Reception"that I had to set or not.
Thanks a lot.
Could you share a project with this issue so we can replicate it on our end ?
You can do it either here or via private message.
How do I send a private message?