Hi I am trying to write a ADC framework for FSP. I am checking the SSP ADC framework, I found that it uses ELC event of a gpt to trigger ADC scanBasicaly SSP uses like that p_timer_api->infoGet(p_timer_ctrl, &timer_info);elc_event = timer_info.elc_event;g_elc_on_elc.linkSet(adc_info.elc_peripheral, elc_event);
But in FSP I could not find the ELC Event of timer in timer_info or anywhere. How can I link the adc scan and gpt timer in FSP like SSP one.Thank you for your help
Thanks for reaching out Renesas Community.
In FSP, you can link the adc scan with gpt timer in the Event Links tab like this:
But you need to add the ELC module in stacks first:
And for your application, I think here is an appropriate sample project for you, please take it for reference: ra-fsp-examples/example_projects/ek_ra6m5/adc_gpt_periodic_sampling/adc_gpt_periodic_sampling_ek_ra6m5_ep at 294f649f1aca599b783cbbf115f7da5d88ff113d · renesas/ra-fsp-examples (github.com)