I would like my MCU to obtain an IP via DHCP using FreeRTOS+TCP.
I am seeing that my MCU replies to any ICMP ping packets that have the MCU's MAC address as destination.This includes packets that do not have the MCU's IP address as destination.This interferes with the DHCP server because every time I reset my MCU the following happens:
I suppose cause is that only the MAC is being filtered by the ethernet driver, so the solution to this would be to set ipconfigETHERNET_DRIVER_FILTERS_FRAME_TYPES in "FreeRTOSIPConfig.h" to 0.I suppose I do that by setting "Responsibility of the Ethernet interface to filter out packets" to "Disable" in FreeRTOS+TCP stack configuration in e2-studio's "FSP configuration" view.But no matter what value I put there, ipconfigETHERNET_DRIVER_FILTERS_FRAME_TYPES is always set to 1.
Am I on the right track?How can I set that flag to 0?
In my application I am running the following software components:
Thanks for reaching out Renesas Engineering Community.
The specific macro when is set to 1, is used in order that the Ethernet interface will filter out the packets that are of no interest.
And can be set to 1 when this parameter on FreeRTOS+TCP stack is set to Enabled.
For more details check the documentation provided by FreeRTOS:
Best Regards,
Thanks for your answer,
What I mean is that the flag "Responsibility of the Ethernet interface to filter out packets" does not seem to have any effect on the generated files.
But tracing back my steps I realize I am making a mistake, it is actually the ipconfigETHERNET_DRIVER_FILTERS_PACKETS flag I should be looking into, and I see it is being set to 0 by "FreeRTOSIPConfigDefaults.h". I need to look into the FreeRTOS+TCP code.
It must be that I am bumping into this issue:https://github.com/FreeRTOS/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/pull/1086
The issue has been addressed in FreeRTOS+TCP version 4.1.0:https://github.com/FreeRTOS/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/releases/tag/V4.1.0
I will update to the latest FSP version.Thanks.