So, I have been working on making a simple project to know how to configure GPIO and UART. So I did this code in a Flat Project (without RTOS). I am just starting to learn how to code so please forgive me if my code is not that well written.
void user_uart_callback(uart_callback_args_t *p_args) { (void)p_args; } void hal_entry(void) { bsp_io_level_t button_status; uint8_t buf[] = "For Testing Only.\r\n"; R_SCI_UART_Open(&g_uart6_ctrl, &g_uart6_cfg); while(1) { if(FSP_SUCCESS == R_IOPORT_PinRead(&g_ioport_ctrl, BUTTON, &button_status)) { if(button_status == BSP_IO_LEVEL_LOW) { R_IOPORT_PinWrite(&g_ioport_ctrl, LED1, BSP_IO_LEVEL_HIGH); R_SCI_UART_Write(&g_uart6_ctrl, buf, sizeof(buf)); R_BSP_SoftwareDelay(100, BSP_DELAY_UNITS_MILLISECONDS); } else { R_IOPORT_PinWrite(&g_ioport_ctrl, LED1, BSP_IO_LEVEL_LOW); } } R_BSP_SoftwareDelay(100, BSP_DELAY_UNITS_MILLISECONDS); }
So this code is working. But when I copied this to a new Flat Project (with FreeRTOS) the code failed to download and shows this error.
How to solve this?
Please take note that I didn't touch the FreeRTOS stack but it is automatically added since this is a project with RTOS. But I configured the UART the same as the first project with no RTOS.
Thank you!
Hi,Thank you for posting your question online.Can you please specify which device do you use?Best regards,Panos
Device: R7FA6M5BH3CFC
Thank you for your response.Can you please share your project here or via private message?Thank you,Panos
Hi, I am just working on a simple UART/GPIO configuration. I just copy and pasted the same program from Flat(no RTOS) to Flat(with RTOS). Above is my working code.
I can't run the code with RTOS.