Hello, Someone could please provide some simple example or code snippet using the internal temperature sensor (TSN) at ADC12. I am using a specific device r7fa2e2a72dnk, at the development board EK-RA2E2, at the IAR Embedded Workbench IDE. I would like a simple explanation of what to do each configuration in the steps. I would like a version using the RA2E1 highlighting the difference.Thanks.
Thanks for your request.
Please find attached an IAR project for EK-RA2L1 for reading the adc results of the temperature sensor. The code also converts the final readings to Celsius degrees. The project might be for RA2L1 but the same formula applies also for RA2E1.
As mentioned in section 30.3.1 of the HW manual of RA2E1:
Hope it helps.
Best Regards,