RA8D1 AES key inject

There is an application note <Injecting and Updating Secure User Keys> shows how to inject keys on RA series MCU. 

In my case, I have download the project for RA8M1 and using board type RA8D1, I assume the project(RA8M1) may work on RA8D1.

Main process according to <8. Example Project for RA8M1 (RSIP Compatibility Mode)> of this application note and previous generation for AES key wrap success according to section 6.1 of this note.

As this example show

In my application is fails:

I've trace this and found it fails at below point:


Need to mention is that, the first time debug, I use the demo code with ra8m1_initial_aes128_key.c not modified with keys generated by myself, and it seems that the first step(R_RSIP_AES128_InitialKeyWrap) works, but fails in verify_cryptographic_operation_with_psa_api() function.

Could you check what cause:

1. Using demo key in application note success in first step(R_RSIP_AES128_InitialKeyWrap) but fail in second step(verify_cryptographic_operation_with_psa_api)?

2. Using keys that generated by me fails in R_RSIP_AES128_InitialKeyWrap?

UFPK I am using: 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 AA BB CC DD EE FF 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 AA BB CC DD EE FF

AES KEY: 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f

IV: 7BCADD2D955686B6D2433583D8EFBBA4(Random value)

Security key Management Tool operation log:

Output File: D:.....\csource.h
Output File: D:.....\csource.c
UFPK: 00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF
W-UFPK: 00000000B95A9F847C4B10283E559BCF283D21FAB95A9F847C4B10283E559BCF283D21FA
IV: 7BCADD2D955686B6D2433583D8EFBBA4
Encrypted key: 682FEE599F5AC58805F714BC4E9F3B3254E642FC80C15B0D65CC2BECB92B3347
