Where can we find the CMSIS and aws folder/files?

We use FSP 3.5.0. If we upgrade to the latest version of FSP 5.5.0, I'm wondering where we can find the CMSIS and aws folder/files. Here are the existing CMSIS and aws folder/files for our FSP 3.5.0:

|   \---CMSIS_5
|       |   LICENSE.txt
|       |   
|       \---CMSIS
|           \---Core
|               \---Include
|                       cachel1_armv7.h
|                       cmsis_armcc.h
|                       cmsis_armclang.h
|                       cmsis_armclang_ltm.h
|                       cmsis_compiler.h
|                       cmsis_gcc.h
|                       cmsis_iccarm.h
|                       cmsis_version.h
|                       core_armv81mml.h
|                       core_armv8mbl.h
|                       core_armv8mml.h
|                       core_cm0.h
|                       core_cm0plus.h
|                       core_cm1.h
|                       core_cm23.h
|                       core_cm3.h
|                       core_cm33.h
|                       core_cm35p.h
|                       core_cm4.h
|                       core_cm55.h
|                       core_cm7.h
|                       core_sc000.h
|                       core_sc300.h
|                       mpu_armv7.h
|                       mpu_armv8.h
|                       pmu_armv8.h
|                       tz_context.h
|   \---amazon-freertos
|       |   LICENSE
|       |   
|       \---freertos_kernel
|           |   event_groups.c
|           |   LICENSE.md
|           |   list.c
|           |   queue.c
|           |   stream_buffer.c
|           |   tasks.c
|           |   timers.c
|           |   
|           +---include
|           |       atomic.h
|           |       deprecated_definitions.h
|           |       event_groups.h
|           |       FreeRTOS.h
|           |       list.h
|           |       message_buffer.h
|           |       mpu_prototypes.h
|           |       mpu_wrappers.h
|           |       portable.h
|           |       projdefs.h
|           |       queue.h
|           |       semphr.h
|           |       stack_macros.h
|           |       stream_buffer.h
|           |       task.h
|           |       timers.h
|           |       
|           \---portable
|               \---MemMang
|                       heap_2.c
    |   LICENSE.txt
    |   README.md
    |   \---ISSUE_TEMPLATE
    |           config.yml
        |   +---ra2a1_ek
        |   |       board.h
        |   |       board_init.c
        ... ...

I downloaded the source code of FSP 5.5.0 from https://github.com/renesas/fsp/releases/tag/v5.5.0. But I can't find the CMSIS and aws folder.


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