Enable USB Interrupt


I want to enable usb interrupt for attached project.

So I made some changes on it but could't enable it.

Could you help me to find the what I'm missing?

Kind regards,


Parents Reply
  • Are you trying to run the example from Github ?

    Make sure you follow the instructions on EK-RA4M2:

    USB PCDC (Full Speed):
    	    1. Connect the micro USB end of the micro USB device cable to micro-AB USB Full Speed 
    	       port (J11) of the board.  Connect the other end of this cable to USB port of the 
    	       host PC.
                2. Jumper J12 placement is pins 2-3
                3. Connect jumper J15 pins
                1. p602 (TXD) to RX pin of external UART device
                2. p601 (RXD) to TX pin of external UART device
                3. When using flow control from TeraTerm, the CTS (P603) should be connected to GND.
                   For instructions on how to enable and disable flow control, refer the the FSP User's manual.

