SEGGER EMWIN Problem with FSP 5.6

I have previously used the segger emwin project with the FSP 5.4 in which my project worked fine,I have recently updated my FSP version to 5.6 after updating the FSP version i can't able to run the segger emwin project the code has been compiled and flashed into the board successfully but only the backlight of the display is on but the actual content is not displaying. i have checked this with sample segger emwin project i am faceing the same issue with the sample code too.c an someone help me to solve this issue 

Parents Reply
  • Unfortunately, I don't know how to achieve your goal.

    The method I tried is described below.

    -When hardware acceleration is enabled, screen rotation is disabled. Therefore, delete the stack "D/AVE 2D Port Interface" that controls hardware acceleration. Screen display will be performed even without this stack. However, the screen drawing speed will be significantly reduced.

    -Even if you change the Display Orientation, the touch panel orientation will not change. Therefore, the screen display and the touch panel response position will not match.

    -Even if you change the Display Orientation, it will not be reflected in the screen layout of AppWizard. I don't know how to solve this problem.

    I thought that using Display Orientation to rotate the screen was not realistic. Currently, I am considering other methods, such as rotating parts 90 degrees on AppWizard from the beginning. It is very unfortunate.
