I am working for project by configuring the device in usb pcdc (USBX), I noticed when making the thread using the usb device stack in a higher priority (less then 15), I am not able to detect the serial port in my host, this is also noticed with your provided examples for the different dev kits based on RA8T1 and RA8M1 . Is there any way to have a higher priority of the thread and I could detect the serial port from host?
Hi Zero_One,
I try to replicate your problem on my board using official PCDC sample project but it works well, do you add some other stacks?
Thanks for your feedback! For my test I used Renesas provided examples, like "USBX_pcdc_acm" project for "mck_ra8t1" dev kit, I see when changing the thread priority of "PCDC ACM Thread" (by default set to 15) to a value equal or lower than 9, I am not able to detect the serial port number in my host PC. For further information, I am using FSP version 5.4.0.
Thank you for sharing the details. To better understand the issue, could you confirm if you've tested this on the latest FSP version? Also, have you tried this on other RA8 kits or a different host PC/USB port to rule out hardware-specific issues? Are there additional threads or middleware (e.g., UART or DMA) in your setup that could impact USB enumeration? Let us know, and we’ll assist further!
Best regards,
I installed your newest FSP (5.7.0) and I tested with your newest official examples in GitHub (link below), the project examples name is "USBX_pcdc_acm"
I was testing with 2 different dev kits: MCK-RA8T1 and EK-RA8M1, both dev kits they share the same behavior described before --> When changing the thread priority of "PCDC ACM Thread" (by default set to 15) to a value equal or lower than 9, I am not able to connect with the assigned serial port number, in my case is shown as COM4.
I check the USBX driver in our BSP, when creating USBX thread, it will also create tx&rx thread which has 10 priority:
So if you want to change the USBX priority less than 9, you have also to change the tx&rx thread priority.
Thanks for your feedback. I tried to change the macro "USB_TASK_PRI_BASE" to different value (from 0 to 9) and also reducing the PCDC ACM Thread to a value less than 10 and it doesn't help for me (not able to connect to COM port), it worked only when PCDC ACM Thread is equal or bigger than 10.
Can you please try to debug under E2studio to see if there is any thread be blocked by PCDC ACM thread?
I am already using your official example. Actually, I managed to find the issue , it's related to 3 threads created in background together with PCDC ACM Thread, you already mentioned one thread which is configured by the macro "USB_TASK_PRI_BASE" , the other 2 threads priority is configured by a macro inside a header file called ux_port.h, the macro name is called "UX_THREAD_PRIORITY_CLASS" by default is set to 20, by changing this macro to my desired value (for my case 1), I was able to connect with my COM port, thanks for the support anyway.