RL78 - DIY programmer


I would like to ask if there is a possibility to program a RL78 family microcontroller (R5F100) without any Renesas programmer? Using some diy programmer or another housing method?

Thanks in advance.


  • Those diodes are used to convert push-pull outputs into open-drain. On RESET pin resistor makes high level (normal state), and open-drain DTR or RTS makes reset state. In single-wire mode TOOL pin is bidirectional and have a pullup. So TXD pulls pin low only when required (during transmit) and does not obstruct line during receive.

  • Those diodes are used to convert push-pull outputs into open-drain. On RESET pin resistor makes high level (normal state), and open-drain DTR or RTS makes reset state. In single-wire mode TOOL pin is bidirectional and have a pullup. So TXD pulls pin low only when required (during transmit) and does not obstruct line during receive.

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