RL78 - LIN communication - delay between 2 transmissions


I'm using RL78 F13 48 pin controller with LIN.

LIN IC used is TJA1021 - Master.

2 slaves are connected to the master & in while loop in 50 ms timer interval i am trying to transmit header to both the slaves one by one to receive data.

If i add around 2.5 ms of delay between both transmissions - LIN communication is working fine.

Otherwise I'm unable to get data from LIN.



Works fine with a delay between 2 transmissions.

LIN_Master_HeaderTransmit(0x81);  //LIN Slave 1
for(int i =ZERO; i<=2500; i++) 
LIN_Master_HeaderTransmit(0x82);  //LIN Slave 2


The below code does not work:

LIN_Master_HeaderTransmit(0x81);  //LIN Slave 1

LIN_Master_HeaderTransmit(0x82);  //LIN Slave 2


We are not supposed to have a delay in the program, so kindly let me know your comments on this.

Is the delay expected ? or will it work without the delay?

Thank you.

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