R5F10PGJ : Data flash : Facing issue in accessing code flash from 0xF2000


Am using R5F10PGJ with PFDL  V2.03.04.01

Am able to write data From 0xF1000 to 0xF1FFF (4KB).

But facing issue in accessing next area memory, i.e. next 4KB from 0xF2000 to 0xF2FFF.

Is there any another lib to do this.

Parents Reply
  • My mistake - the PFDL configuration only specifies the CPU speed and the programming mode (wide / normal), there is no parameter for the pool size (this is not necessary since there is no EEL support).

    I didn't think there was any limitation on using the PFDL for devices with more than 4KB of data-flash, although this implementation was designed specifically for resource constrained devices and does not support all of the features of the other (std/T01 or tiny/T02) lib types such as EEPROM emulation or suspend / resume of block operations.

    If you have frequently changing data to be stored in the data-flash, you should consider using EEPROM emulation (EEL).
