where is program counter(PC)

Hello Renesas team

While I was looking at specs for RL78 F23, I found that the majority of registers are located in SFRs.(RL78 Family User's Manual:Software , Table 3-3. List of Fixed SFRs )

By the way, is there a special reason why the specification doesn't say where the program counter is located?

Or is it written somewhere in the specification?

Parents Reply
  • Thank you for your answer.

    May I ask you an additional question? 

    My purpose of the previous question was to wonder if PC value can be read or modified in e2 studio debug mode. 

    Of course, in debug mode, we can estimate the PC value to the current code execution location, but it's not intuitive. 

    And is it possible to write OPCODE directly to PC in debug mode?
