I follow the unit test guide in link: https://www.renesas.com/us/en/document/apn/how-use-cunit-e-studio-gcc-rx
In execute step 16, I receive an error: "Read from unwritten memory at 0xfffffff0"
If I use rl78-elf-run, output is a string of symbols
My source code is all following the guide above.
Please help me on this error.
I might guess that the simulator is looking for the reset vector at the default location, which is not configured correctly for RX. On RL78, execution starts from address 0 which probably has something there to cause that simulator to do something.
Thank you.
Is there any way to execute unit test with RL78? Because I created project with RL78. RX doesn't have "generate" folder.
Sorry for not describing clearly in question.