RX130 Pin Configuration

I am working on RX130 Controller . I am using  same pin for Input & output during runtime but I am not able to use  the pin.

please give me the solution.

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  • Hello Jayesh...

    I am working on RX-130  I2C Communication  but I am not able to do the I2C communication using driver.

    I used r_riic_rx driver.also  refered Renesas forum document.

    so thats why I am using GPIO for I2C communication for that I need data pin for Input & output..

    Does the pin works correctly in one of the modes, or does it not function at all? 

    Ans-Yes Pin works correctly in one mode but I am going to use this pin during runtime for both mode Input & Output for data transmission & reception.

    Please check the attached screenshot for my configuration using driver.

    If I get Sample code of Rx130 that would be very helpful for me so I will do I2c communication through driver otherwise

    I will have to go through GPIO.  

    Note-(First I tried through driver but this is not working that why I am using GPIO pins )

    Thanks & Regards


  • Hello AJ!

    I don't think there is an I2C sample code available specifically for the RX130 device. As JB suggested in the previous issue posted by you, your best bet would be to modify the available sample code carefully and double check the configuration. Other than the RIIC module application note, you should also go through the Hardware User Manual for RX130, and verify if the registers are setting up properly. 

    Thank you,

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