RX631 + FreeRTOS 10.4 + Awareness


I have a RX631 with FreeRTOS 10.4, the gcc toolchain and an e2 lite debugger

Out of the box the chip was not supported to create a freertos project via e2 Studio. I took the sources from github and via the port there i could manage to run freertos.

But it would be nice to have some sort of kernel awarness. at least see running tasks, stack usage etc

Something like a graphical thread view like this

would be nice to have aswell but is not necessary atm.

What are my options to get this running? the  menu "renesas view -> partner os -> Rtos Resources" does not show anything.

As far as i know from other controllers i would have to implement some trigger events like task started, enter task, leave task etc. 
what would be the necessary procedure to achieve this (if even possible) on my setup?

other tools like systemview or ozone are tied to the segger toolchain&debugger as far as i know?
