Using e2studio, debugger not hitting main function for RX100_R5F51105

Hello all,

I am facing challenges to perform SW debugging in e2studio. I am using KPIT GNURX-ELF Toolchain and uc is R5F51105. 

The compilation of source code works fine and I can see the updated executables in folder.

After compilation when I start to debug, initially breakpoint hits to _PowerON_Reset in reset_program.asm file.

After this I click on Resume or Restart or StartOver or StepIn option, for all these the response is same!

- Here, the breakpoint enters in free running state! And Debug window shows that No thread info available.

In debug configuration call to main function is already set - 

Still the issue remains same! - 

I assume that somewhere in a file, call to main function is missing. If so, which file or function I can refer to view this calling? Or

is there something else that is causing this issue?

Somebody please guide me to solve this issue