Hi!I want to use the Renesas Flash Programmer with the RX113 Starter Kit to donwload my program.As far as I understand, I simply must put the MCU from Single Chip Mode to USB Boot Mode by setting SW4 to ON/ON, so that MD and UB (P14) are grounded, connect my PC to USB Port USB0_2, and then turn power on.
Bu when I do this, no device is detected by my PC. Using the Flash Progammer with an RX62 MCU works fine, it detecs a "Generic Boot USB Direct" device.
Do I need to connect to the USB Standard Type A connector instead of the Mini USB port? - But as I interprete the schematics, these share the same signals?
Thank you!
Do you maybe know someone else that has this board and can check?
Hello Stephan,
I'll ask my colleagues if any of them have this or similar board.
Kind regards,
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