can you please guide me how to update code of RX71m MCU using FTD(SCI boot)
is any operation manual/code sample available for that
what type of hardware connection i need to do?
What type of software interface i have to use ?
please suggest
You can use as reference the application note below, that implements a SCI bootloader on RX140:
Ιt uses Xmodem protocol to transfer the image from the user's PC folder location to the internal flash of the RX.
Also, on the link below, you can find the projectd for the bootloader and for the application on CS+:
Τhe same idea can be implemented on RX71M.
Please confirm......
JimB's solution is related with a specific mode offered by RX device and it has to do how to flash the chip without using any dedicated flash interface (SWD/JTAG), but you have a direct SCI or USB communication using a specific SCI channel.
My suggestion is related with customized boot loader program that you load on the chip directly ( by flashing the hex file) using any flash programmer with any emulator/debugger and after that, you can use any SCI channel through Xmodem to update any time the app's firmware on specific flash code section.
Below find the flowchart of the whole idea after flashing the boot loader image on the chip:
How the internal memory is organized: