I need to measure the input pulse duration using RA6E1 MCU.
I have come across the Timer Array Unit (TAU) Application note using RL78, but not able to find any details TAU on RA6E1, any advices ?
Do we have Timer Array Unit on RA6E1?
or is there any other way to find the input pulse duration using RA6E1?
Hi Sai,
Thanks for reaching out Renesas Engineering Community!
If you want to measure an input pulse, you can use gpt input capture mode to do this in RA serial mcu.
Here is a sample project for this application of RA6E1, you can take this for reference:
ra-fsp-examples/example_projects/fpb_ra6e1/gpt_input_capture/gpt_input_capture_fpb_ra6e1_ep at master · renesas/ra-fsp-examples (github.com)
Hope it helps,
Hi ,
Thanks for the detail will check this code and revert back.
Hi NP_Renesas,
I have integrated the code to my project and able to measure the input pulse width.
I want to have capture interrupt if the pulse width is above 0.5sec. (configurable)?
otherwise for any small glitch on the line is interrupting the device frequently.
Is there any way,? pl advice.