Ra8T1 refuses to flash

So im making a custom board that was meant for the RA8M1 but due to lack of production for the footprint i wanted, I ended up revolving around the ra8t1 and im trying to flash it with an evaluation kit with the debug out configuration(the ra8m1 one).

I managed to flash another dev kit with the ek ra8m1 so im pretty shure all the configs are good for debug out. The same however cannot be said about the custom board for the ra8t1...

Starting server with the following options:

Raw options : /home/micron/.eclipse/com.renesas.platform_250794868/DebugComp//RA/e2-server-gdb -g SEGGERJLINKARM -t R7FA8T1AH -uConnectionTimeout= 30 -uSelect= USB -uJLinkSetting= "/home/micron/e2_studio/workspacev51/BlinkieAcuity/BlinkieAcuity Debug_Flat.jlink" -uJLinkLog= /home/micron/e2_studio/workspacev51/BlinkieAcuity/JLinkLog.log -uLowPower= 0 -uInteface= SWD -uIfSpeed= 4000 -uResetBeginConnection= 1 -uNoReset= 1 -uResetBefDownload= 1 -uResetPreRun= 1 -uResetCon= 1 -uReleaseCM3= 0 -uDisconnectionMode= 1 -uSWOcoreClock= 0 -uEnableSciBoot= 1 -uAuthLevel= 0 -uresetOnReload= 1 -n 0 -uFlashBp= 1 -uSimulation= 0 -ueraseRomOnDownload= 0 -ueraseDataRomOnDownload= 0 -uOSRestriction= 0 -uProgReWriteIRom= 0 -uCPUFrequency= 0 -uCECycle= 1 -uResetBehavior= Reset -uMemRegion= 0x22000000:0x2000:RAM:s -uMemRegion= 0x02000000:0x8000:FLASH:s -uMemRegion= 0x27000000:0x0:DATA_FLASH:s -uMemRegion= 0x0300A100:0x80:OPTION_SETTING:s -uMemRegion= 0x0300A200:0xD0:OPTION_SETTING_S:s -uMemRegion= 0x27030080:0x2E0:OPTION_SETTING_DATA_FLASH_S:s -uMemRegion= 0x00000000:0x0:ID_CODE:s -uMemRegion= 0x68000000:0x0:SDRAM:s -uMemRegion= 0x60000000:0x0:QSPI_FLASH:s -uMemRegion= 0x80000000:0x0:OSPI_DEVICE_0:s -uMemRegion= 0x90000000:0x0:OSPI_DEVICE_1:s -uMemRegion= 0x00000000:0x0:ITCM:s -uMemRegion= 0x20000000:0x0:DTCM:s -uMemRegion= 0x02008000:0x1F0000:FLASH:n -uMemRegion= 0x27000000:0x3000:DATA_FLASH:n -uTz= SSD -l -uCore= SINGLE_CORE|enabled|1|main -uSyncMode= async -uFirstGDB= main --gdbVersion= 12.1

Using J-Link version V7.92o - /home/micron/.eclipse/com.renesas.platform_250794868/DebugComp/RA/ARM/Segger_v7.92.15/libjlinkarm.so

Connecting to R7FA8T1AH, ARM Target

GDBServer endian : little

Target power from emulator : Off

Starting target connection

TrustZone configuration (SWD boot connection failed): Failed to read DP register. (Debug ID: 12)

Please configure the TrustZone settings manually using Renesas Device Partition Manager (RDPM) or Renesas Flash Programmer (RFP) before debugging.

Current TrustZone device status

DLM state : Failed to read current DLM state.

Authentication level (AL) : Failed to read current AL.

Secure memory partition size :

- Code Flash Secure (kB) : 0

- Data Flash Secure (kB) : 0

GDB action 'connect to target', has failed with error code, 0xffffffff

Disconnected from the Target Debugger.

The microcontroller seems to be alive as one of the GPIO(P010) is outputting 3V3 (with low current) to an LED(by coicidence?)

On the JLinkLog.log it says:

T9722F780 000:000.577 SEGGER J-Link V7.92o Log File

T9722F780 000:000.667 DLL Compiled: Nov 8 2023 15:46:18

T9722F780 000:000.669 Logging started @ 2024-04-19 20:06

T9722F780 000:000.671 Process: /home/micron/.eclipse/com.renesas.platform_250794868/DebugComp/RA/e2-server-gdb

T9722F780 000:000.672 - 0.672ms

T9722F780 000:000.675 JLINK_GetDLLVersion()

T9722F780 000:000.677 - 0.002ms returns 79215

T9722F780 000:001.065 JLINK_OpenEx(...)

T9722F780 000:180.802 Firmware: J-Link OB-RA4M2 compiled Mar 14 2024 13:23:21

T9722F780 000:182.603 Firmware: J-Link OB-RA4M2 compiled Mar 14 2024 13:23:21

T9722F780 000:193.699 Hardware: V1.00

T9722F780 000:193.710 S/N: 1089351345

T9722F780 000:193.713 OEM: SEGGER

T9722F780 000:193.715 Feature(s): None

T9722F780 000:194.562 Bootloader: 2021 May 14

T9722F780 000:195.126 USB speed mode: Full speed (12 MBit/s)

T9722F780 000:195.668 TELNET listener socket opened on port 19021

T9722F780 000:195.756 WEBSRV WEBSRV_Init(): Starting webserver thread(s)

T9722F780 000:195.819 WEBSRV Webserver running on local port 19080

T9722F780 000:195.834 Looking for J-Link GUI Server exe at: ARM/Segger_v7.92.15/JLinkGUIServerExe

T9722F780 000:195.839 Looking for J-Link GUI Server exe at: /opt/SEGGER/JLink/JLinkGUIServerExe

T9722F780 000:195.846 Forking J-Link GUI Server: /opt/SEGGER/JLink/JLinkGUIServerExe

T9722F780 000:216.275 J-Link GUI Server info: "J-Link GUI server V7.96b "

T9722F780 000:216.749 - 215.683ms returns "O.K."

T9722F780 000:216.777 JLINK_TIF_Select(JLINKARM_TIF_SWD)

T9722F780 000:217.462 - 0.684ms returns 0x00

T9722F780 000:217.470 JLINK_ClrRESET()

T9722F780 000:419.291

***** Warning:

T9722F780 000:419.333 RESET (pin 15) high, but should be low. Please check target hardware.

T9722F780 000:419.346 - 201.875ms

T9722F780 000:469.432 JLINK_SetSpeed(1500)

T9722F780 000:469.577 - 0.145ms

T9722F780 000:469.582 JLINK_CORESIGHT_Configure(PerformTIFInit=0)

T9722F780 000:470.240 - 0.658ms returns 0

T9722F780 000:470.251 JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00)

T9722F780 000:471.205 failed

T9722F780 000:471.229 - 0.979ms returns -1

T9722F780 000:471.293 JLINK_ClrRESET()

T9722F780 000:672.487

***** Warning:

T9722F780 000:672.502 RESET (pin 15) high, but should be low. Please check target hardware.

T9722F780 000:672.506 - 201.214ms

T9722F780 000:722.756 JLINK_SetSpeed(1500)

T9722F780 000:722.925 - 0.170ms

T9722F780 000:722.932 JLINK_CORESIGHT_Configure(PerformTIFInit=0)

T9722F780 000:723.581 - 0.648ms returns 0

T9722F780 000:723.587 JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00)

T9722F780 000:724.264 failed

T9722F780 000:724.267 - 0.680ms returns -1

T9722F780 000:724.395 JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(DP reg 0x01)

T9722F780 000:725.305 failed

T9722F780 000:725.329 - 0.934ms returns -1

T9722F780 000:725.344 JLINK_ClrRESET()

T9722F780 000:926.488

***** Warning:

T9722F780 000:926.503 RESET (pin 15) high, but should be low. Please check target hardware.

T9722F780 000:926.507 - 201.162ms

T9722F780 001:036.735 JLINK_Close()

T9722F780 001:051.606 - 14.870ms

T9722F780 001:051.627

T9722F780 001:051.629 Closed

Another thing i've noticed is that when i press the reset button its like a short occurs, as even the external usb current meter i use to check how much is drawing from the outside environment powers off momentarily.

Heres the schematics, to note that i removed the "onboard debugger mcu"(i was in a hurry and i was unshure if it was possible to use the ra4m2 as a debugger device 