I am trying to use the HW True Random Number Generation (TRNG) on RA6T2.
I pulled in the Mbed TLS (Crypto Only) stack using the FSP Configurator in E2studio. This has a lot of configuration which I find hard to understand, but I set it up so it appears to be happy. But if I try calling psa_crypto_init(), the function hangs The code where it hangs appears to have been obfusticated: there is a loop in HW_SCE_func100 which is stuck polling a register SCE->REG_104H_b.B31.
What I really need is some guidance / example code on how to set this up. But I find that GitHub - renesas/ra-fsp-examples: Example projects for Renesas RA MCU family does not have any mbed_crypto example for this processor, or for other very similar processors.
Does this software stack work on the RA6T2 processor, and if not, how can I use the TRNG functionality?