F0563100:Section address overflow out of range : ".SLIB"


I am using RL78/G13 with e2 studio IDE. I having a problem of Section address overflow out of range : ".SLIB"

My code size was shown as larger than my controller size. But I didn't increase any script in a project even my backup project also I can't Build, That same error came.

So I doubted in IDE. I was tried many things but I can't to solve this issue.

Is anything I want to change or check. I was attached details in below .Please check and  give a solution for this.

Renesas Optimizing Linker (W3.06.00 )             27-Feb-2024 11:40:12

*** Options ***

-library="C:\Program Files (x86)\Renesas\RL78\1_13_0\lib\rl78cm4s.lib"
-library="C:\Program Files (x86)\Renesas\RL78\1_13_0\lib\rl78cm4r.lib"
-library="C:\Program Files (x86)\Renesas\RL78\1_13_0\lib\malloc_n.lib"

*** Error information ***

W0561120:Section address is not assigned to ".SLIB"
F0563100:Section address overflow out of range : ".SLIB"

*** Mapping List ***

SECTION                            START      END         SIZE   ALIGN
                                  00000000  0000007f        80   0
                                  00000080  00000083         4   2
                                  00000084  000000b3        30   2
                                  00000080  00000080         0   2
                                  000000c0  000000c3         4   1
                                  000000c4  000000cd         a   1
                                  000000ce  000000d7         a   1
                                  000000d8  0000014f        78   2
                                  00000150  000001cc        7d   2
                                  000001ce  00001525      1358   2
                                  00001526  00001cd0       7ab   1
                                  00001cd1  00002a37       d67   1
                                  00003000  00009753      6754   2
                                  00009754  0001fcb5     16562   1
                                  0001fe00  0001ffff       200   1
                                  000fcf00  000fdfdd      10de   2
                                  000fdfde  000ff335      1358   2
                                  000ffe20  000ffe20         0   2
                                  000ffe20  000ffe20         0   2
                                  000ffe20  00102192      2373   1


  • Hello,

    The .SLIB section is too big and overflows beyond the end of memory range which is 0xFFFFF.

    The SLIB section is section for code of standard libraries.

    Have you included such a library in the project ?


  • Hi ,

    Thanks for your reply,

    I am not include any many libraries.

    I was included string library only ,I additionally used. And I generate a project with code generator So many interrupts and

    communication related header files created automatically.

    And I include user defined header files in my project.


  • The .SLIB section is by default placed in code flash.

    Looking at your map file I guess that you have moved it to RAM ?

    The .SLIB seems to be 2373 bytes so it cannot fit after .dataR section.

    I recommend that you place .SLIB in code flash.

  • Hi

    No, I am not config .SLIB data store in to a RAM. When I choose to select section layout as automatically , I seen Section overflow error like above (Section address overflow out of range : ".SLIB").

    If I reapply that section as like you are send section view  means I had a Error like below, and I attached images below.

    E0562321:Section ".monitor2" overlaps section ".textf"

    Renesas Optimizing Linker (W3.06.00 )             28-Feb-2024 08:28:46
    *** Options ***
    -library="C:\Program Files (x86)\Renesas\RL78\1_13_0\lib\rl78cm4s.lib"
    -library="C:\Program Files (x86)\Renesas\RL78\1_13_0\lib\rl78cm4r.lib"
    -library="C:\Program Files (x86)\Renesas\RL78\1_13_0\lib\malloc_n.lib"
    *** Error information ***
    E0562321:Section ".monitor2" overlaps section ".textf"
    *** Mapping List ***
    SECTION                            START      END         SIZE   ALIGN
                                      00000000  0000007f        80   0
                                      00000080  00000083         4   2
                                      00000084  000000b3        30   2
                                      000000c0  000000c3         4   1
                                      000000c4  000000cd         a   1
                                      000000ce  000000d7         a   1
                                      000000d8  00000154        7d   2
                                      00003000  00009753      6754   2
                                      00009754  00009efe       7ab   1
                                      00009eff  0000ac65       d67   1
                                      0000ac66  0000cfd8      2373   1
                                      0000cfd9  0002353a     16562   1
                                      0002353c  000235b3        78   2
                                      000235b4  0002490b      1358   2
                                      0002490c  0002490c         0   2
                                      0001fe00  0001ffff       200   1
                                      000fcf00  000fe257      1358   2
                                      000fe258  000ff335      10de   2
                                      000ffe20  000ffe20         0   2
                                      000ffe20  000ffe20         0   2

    Please check,


  • Hello,

    The debug monitor area is overlapped because the sections in code flash are now too big.

    Change the address below from 0x3000 to 0x2000 so they start lower in code flash.

    Also reserve the debug monitor area with this option:

  • No, I was changed as you are suggested , But still have Error.

    E0562321:Section ".monitor2" overlaps section ".textf"

  • Is really that memory size was overload ah, I can't to feel accept because when I rebuild my backup project are also showing this overflow error that why I can't to accept memory was full.

    I know my backup projects are having 95% memory full at last build. But now I rebuild that file I got error, even I didn't include any script in same project.

    Is there any idea about that ?

  • Not sure the address is changed because I sill see sections starting at 0x3000 and not at 0x2000.

  • Yes it was not changed Once I clean and rebuild that project ,after that address changed but not ERROR.

  • In previous screenshot the .textf was 75KB and now 91KB, how is it possible ?

    The program is simply too big. The 128KB code flash ends at 0x1FFF you cannot have a code flash section that goes beyond this address.

  • But this was my backup project. And how now its showing section overflow and memory was too big ?

    Is anything I need to check and verify for this, 

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