Hello everyone,I have a problem which is probably easy to solve, but I can't figure it out.I would like to use the code from R01AN1947EC0100 RL78/G14 GroupI2C Repeated Start Signal
to my R5F10RLC and upload it via CS+. i want to create a simple i2c communication to send commands to the slave and receive the response afterwards. with one master and one slave.Now the code keeps getting stuck here (see picture) during depugging and I don't know exactly why.
Maybe one of you can help me.
It seems that the flag_end is not set to 1. Please make sure that you have set the correct slave address and slave is working fine.
The address should be correct. the code does not even go into the interrupt. That surprises me :/
Have you checked SDA and SCL lines with an oscilloscope ?
Does code go into error interrupt handler ?
yes, i check the SDA and SCL lines with an oscilloscope. apart from the fact that the voltage rises, no signal is transmitted there.It looks like the code is not going into the r_cg_serial_user.c at all
Not even SCL works properly ?
no, the voltage of SCL and SDA goes up briefly and then drops again as soon as it hangs in the code
Please make sure you observe the correct pins. Can you attach your project ?
the pins are correctly selected.R5F10RLC.zip
Try to set wait time to a bigger value than 0, for example 128.
Do you mean the "timer" in the main file?