I'm using the QB-R5F104PJ-TB board. I wrote a simple program to change LEDs when the switch is pressed:
#define LED1_PIN PM7_bit.no5#define LED2_PIN PM7_bit.no6#define LED1 P7_bit.no5#define LED2 P7_bit.no6#define SW1 P13_bit.no7void main(){ // set pins to output LED1_PIN = 0; LED2_PIN = 0; for(;;) { if (SW1) { LED1 = 1; LED2 = 0; } else { LED1 = 0; LED2 = 1; } }}
When I run the program in E2 Studio by choosing Run->Debug, it works. The LEDs change when I press the switch.
When I unplug the E2 Emulator Lite, it doesn't work anymore. The board's power LED doesn't come on when I have it connect to an external power supply. I have CN1 pins 20, 21 connected to gnd and 22, 23 connected to a 3.4 volt power supply. Nothing else is connected to the board. The Test Points on the board are 0.77V when it's in this state.
Reading some other people's posts on this forum, it seems like there is something about disabling the OCD Setting in the code generator before the board can be powered without a programmer connected. I tried that in E2 Studio and CS+ but neither work. It gives me an error about being unable to write to memory. Next, I tried the Renesas Flash Programmer, using the ".mot" file built by the IDE. That appears to work, but that I'm still unable to power up the board.