I could see the device falled into stop mode but then it wasn't able to wake up by interval timer.
Below is the configuration:
1. The Clock:
- Low speed main mode
- fMAIN = fIH
- HSOCO 8Mhz
- fXT 32,768kHz
XT1 mode setting: Low power consumtion
STOP, HALT mode setting: stops supply
- fIL : 15kHz
- CPU and Prep: fCLK = fIH
2. Interval timer 0 channel 6: value 100ms. Priority : High
Generate INTTM06
3. Function: void R_CGC_Create(void)
#define _80_CGC_SUBINHALT_OFF (0x80U) /* stops supply to peripheral functions except RTC, interval timer, PCLBUZ and LCD *//* Selection of operation clock for highaccuracy real-time clock, 12-bit interval timer, and LCD (WUTMMCK0) */#define _00_CGC_RTC_IT_LCD_CLK_FSUB (0x00U) /* Subsystem clock (fSUB) */
4, IRS:
static void __near r_tau0_channel6_interrupt(void){ /* Start user code. Do not edit comment generated here */ //100ms timer
//do something
NOP(); //HALT();
STOP(); NOP(); /* End user code. Do not edit comment generated here */}
Can you please have a look into configuration
Thank you
If the clock source of interval timer is fSUB, then fSUB must be operating during STOP mode so the interval timer can operate and generate an interrupt.
So either fSUB must be enabled during STOP mode.
so it should be Enables supply during STOP mode, right ?
I could see the stop mode working
But there are 2 issues:
1. the force sensor doesn;t work when applying stop mode
MCU reads force value from sensor over CSI00 interfact with clock from PCLBUZ1 pin.
2. The buzzer is controled by PWM signal (250us 50%) generated by timer channel 2 and 5.
It doesnt work either.
Good thing: Buttons configured by normal input pins working well. LCD module also working.
Any idea ?
Not all peripherals can operate during STOP mode because most of the clocks are stopped. Please refer to Table 21-1 at https://www.renesas.com/en/document/mat/rl78l13-users-manual-hardware?r=479566
CSI00 is operable but Clock output/buzzer output is operable only when subsystem clock is selected as the count clock.
Timer array unit is also disabled.
These modules can operate in HALT mode but the current consumption will be higher.