External Interrupt not triggered in RL78/G22 mcu

Hi team,

I am using the RL78/G22 mcu with Fast prototyping board to develop the PWM output. In my scenario, I am using the switch as an external interrupt to trigger. But the interrupt function is not triggered when the switch was pressed, also the output duty cycle is 100% when I do a build and run the code. what is the issue here?

  • #include "r_cg_macrodriver.h"
    #include "r_cg_timer.h"
    #include "r_cg_userdefine.h"
    #include "iodefine.h"
    #include "r_cg_intc.h"

    volatile bool pwm_enabled = false;
    #define PERIOD_TICKS 62499 // 4 seconds
    #define DUTY_TICKS 15624 // 1 second

    void R_MAIN_UserInit(void);
    void R_TAU0_Channel0_Create(uint16_t period);
    void R_TAU0_Channel0_Start(void);
    void R_TAU0_Channel0_Stop(void);
    void R_TAU0_Channel2_Create(uint16_t duty);
    void R_TAU0_Channel2_Start(void);
    void R_TAU0_Channel2_Stop(void);

    #pragma interrupt INTP1_ISR(vect=INTP1)
    void INTP1_ISR(void);

    void R_MAIN_UserInit(void)
    /* Enable TAU0 module */
    PER0 |= 0x01; // Enable TAU0
    PRR0 &= ~0x01; // Release TAU0 from reset

    /* Initialize TAU0 channels for PWM */
    uint16_t period = PERIOD_TICKS; // Example period value
    uint16_t duty = DUTY_TICKS - 1; // Example duty value
    R_TAU0_Channel0_Stop(); // Initially stop the PWM
    R_TAU0_Channel2_Stop(); // Initially stop the PWM

    /* Configure PWM Output Pin P0.1 (TO00) */
    PMCT0 &= ~0x02; // Clear PMCT01 (Enable Timer Output Mode)
    PM0 &= ~0x02; // Set P0.1 as output
    P0 &= ~0x02; // Set P0.1 to Low
    PMCA0 &= ~0x02; // Clear PMCA01 (Enable TO00 function)

    /* Configure switch pin as input with pull-up */
    PM1 |= 0x02; // Set P1.1 as input
    PMCT1 &= ~0x02; // Enable INTP1 function (disable GPIO mode)
    PU1 |= 0x02; // Enable pull-up resistor on P1.1

    /* Configure LED pin as output */
    PM5 &= ~0x01; // Set P5.0 as output
    P5 &= ~0x01; // Initialize LED off

    /* Configure external interrupt for switch */
    EGN0 |= 0x02; // Enable falling edge detection on INTP1
    EGP0 &= ~0x02; // Disable rising edge detection on INTP1
    IF0L &= ~0x02; // Clear INTP1 interrupt flag
    MK0L &= ~0x02; // Enable INTP1 interrupt

    /* Ensure ISC0 is cleared for normal operation */
    ISC &= ~0x01;

    /* Enable global interrupts */

    /* External interrupt service routine for switch press */
    #pragma interrupt INTP1_ISR(vect=INTP1)
    void INTP1_ISR(void)
    pwm_enabled = !pwm_enabled; // Toggles the value each time switch pressed
    if (pwm_enabled) {
    printf("PWM Started\n");
    } else {
    printf("PWM Stopped\n");
    IF0L &= ~0x02; // Clear flag

    /* Timer One (Master Timer) - Period: */
    void R_TAU0_Channel0_Create(uint16_t period)
    TPS0 = 0x0030; // Set prescaler to divide by *** (assuming 1 MHz input clock)
    TMR00 = 0x0000; // Set to interval timer mode
    TDR00 = period; // Set period

    TO0 |= _0001_TAU_CH0_OUTPUT_VALUE_1; // Set initial output value
    TOE0 |= _0001_TAU_CH0_OUTPUT_ENABLE; // Enable output
    printf("TAU0 Ch0 Configured\n"); // Set breakpoint here

    /* Timer Two (Slave Timer) - Duty Cycle: */
    void R_TAU0_Channel2_Create(uint16_t duty)
    TPS0 = 0x0030; // Set prescaler
    TMR02 = 0x0000; // Set to one-count mode
    TDR02 = duty; // Set duty cycle

    TO0 |= _0004_TAU_CH2_OUTPUT_VALUE_1; // Initial output
    TOE0 |= _0004_TAU_CH2_OUTPUT_ENABLE; // Enable output
    printf("TAU0 Ch2 Configured\n"); // Set breakpoint here

    void R_TAU0_Channel0_Start(void)
    TMIF00 = 0U; /* clear INTTM00 interrupt flag */
    TMMK00 = 0U; /* enable INTTM00 interrupt */
    TOE0 |= _0001_TAU_CH0_OUTPUT_ENABLE;
    TS0 |= _0001_TAU_CH0_START_TRG_ON;

    void R_TAU0_Channel0_Stop(void)
    TT0 |= _0001_TAU_CH0_STOP_TRG_ON;
    TOE0 &= (uint16_t)~_0001_TAU_CH0_OUTPUT_ENABLE;
    TMMK00 = 1U; /* disable INTTM00 interrupt */
    TMIF00 = 0U; /* clear INTTM00 interrupt flag */

    void R_TAU0_Channel2_Start(void)
    TMIF02 = 0U; /* clear INTTM02 interrupt flag */
    TMMK02 = 0U; /* enable INTTM02 interrupt */
    TOE0 |= _0004_TAU_CH2_OUTPUT_ENABLE;
    TS0 |= _0004_TAU_CH2_START_TRG_ON;

    void R_TAU0_Channel2_Stop(void)
    TT0 |= _0004_TAU_CH2_STOP_TRG_ON;
    TOE0 &= (uint16_t)~_0004_TAU_CH2_OUTPUT_ENABLE;
    TMMK02 = 1U; /* disable INTTM02 interrupt */
    TMIF02 = 0U; /* clear INTTM02 interrupt flag */

    void main(void)
    while (1U)
    ; // Main loop

  • ELC does not support TAU PWM function so it cannot be used. However I have done this in a software way. Once you press the user switch the PWM output starts from P16.


  • Thanks, I have done the modification like you mentioned P16 for switch input but when I press the switch, I cannot see any PWM output?
    I can only see if I press the switch, it becomes high and then becomes low. 

  • when I press the switch it becomes high then low.

  • ok but i have checked the configurations also tried to run the code but, in the simulator, it was not executing. I have selected the pin P137/INTP0 to check the duty % which was connected to the o/p LED component.

  • Since the application works fine I am not sure what your question is exactly at this point.

  • No, actually I am running this code in the Renesas online simulator. will it work on this platform? or I need a hardware setup to run this code

  • As far as I see from your screenshots it works with the simulator too.

  • yeah, now it was working fine i selected the wrong pin. Thanks for the help.

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