IWDT sleep mode count stop not controllable via Software component configuration RX231

I would like to disable sleep mode count stop of IWDT. As IWDT drives the LPT for software standby. But in the Software component configurator of the IWDT this option stays always grayed out. So the OFS0 setting is wrong and I have to do it manually but this is overwritten on every new code generation of SCFG. Have I missed a setting?

this is generated:

#define BSP_CFG_OFS0_REG_VALUE (0xFFFFFF4D) /* Generated value. Do not edit this manually */


but I want this

#define BSP_CFG_OFS0_REG_VALUE (0xFFFFBF4D) /* Generated value. Do not edit this manually */

SCFG settings

  • Hello dear RK. 

    Smart configurator assumes that you'll use the Low-power-timer in sleep mode, meanwhile, you're configuring the LPT source clock as the IWDT clock. when you want to disable IWDT counting after a transition to sleep mode, the IWDT clock will stop and you'll not be able to use the LPT in sleep mode in this way, I think that's the reason the smart configurator disables the setting.


    if you want to use that try to select another clock source for LPT, then the option will be enabled. 


    As you can see below, there's a note about LPT that prohibits the setting when the IWDT clock is used as a source clock for LPT. 

    I hope you find it useful. 

    Kind regards, 


    If this or any other user's response answers your concern, kindly verify the answer. Thank you!

    Renesas Engineering Community Moderator

  • Hello dear RK. 

    Smart configurator assumes that you'll use the Low-power-timer in sleep mode, meanwhile, you're configuring the LPT source clock as the IWDT clock. when you want to disable IWDT counting after a transition to sleep mode, the IWDT clock will stop and you'll not be able to use the LPT in sleep mode in this way, I think that's the reason the smart configurator disables the setting.


    if you want to use that try to select another clock source for LPT, then the option will be enabled. 


    As you can see below, there's a note about LPT that prohibits the setting when the IWDT clock is used as a source clock for LPT. 

    I hope you find it useful. 

    Kind regards, 


    If this or any other user's response answers your concern, kindly verify the answer. Thank you!

    Renesas Engineering Community Moderator

  • It is correct, I will use IWDT for driving LPTCLK and therefore the IWDTSLCSTP in OFS0 has to be set to 0. But the code generator is not doing so.. In the meantime I have generated a 

    #define MY_BSP_CFG_OFS0_REG_VALUE (0xFFFFBF45)

    in the vecttbl.c and use this in the Except_Vectors definition. As this file is not overwritten during SC generation.

    Because in your screenshot the LPTCLK, altough not used, is driven by SUB-CLOCK this enables the "Sleep mode count stop control setting" input field. Then the code is gernated correctly but not if IWDT is the driving source.

  • You're right and you did a canny trick!

    It seems there's a bug in your SSP version, as the default mode when you select the IWDT as LPT source clock should be "Disabled" not "Enabled" in the smart configurator. otherwise, you cannot use LPT in sleep mode.

    Here's my config: it seems you need to update your SSP package and smart configurator, it's considered in newer versions.

    I hope it will resolve your issue, keep me posted about the result. 
    Best regards,


    If this or any other user's response answers your concern, kindly verify the answer. Thank you!

    Renesas Engineering Community Moderator