While working on a boot loader project for the RX 651 family processor ( CC RX compiler version 3 and e2Studio) I added a section in ROM called PFRAM and in the RAM area RPFRAM.
I am not sure where this addition gets fianlly saved into as when the project is checked in to configuration control and my co worker tries to rebuild the image again the sections have to be added again to compile successfully.
Where are the linker sections saved into in the e2 studio environment?
Thank you very much
How exactly did you add the new sections on the linker and what is the error that you see when you try to compile the project?
The recommended way to add new sections on the linker is to follow the path Project Properties->C/C++ Build -> Settings -> Tool Settings -> Linker -> Section:
That is exactly how I did it . Question is where is this change exactly recorded in ? May be that file is not getting checked in to the source tree
There isn't a specific file that you can have direct access to the linker sections, such as a script file that used on GCC compiler.
The modifications can be done as shown on the screenshot on my previous response and on the HardwareDebug folder, you can find a map file that has been modified according to the section's modifications:
Νοw, the idea above describe how to organise the section's structure on the linker.
If you want to store specific program code or data on these sections there are some ways, such as #pragma section... to store specific code to specific memory section.
For more information, you can study the CC-RX compiler user's manual.
Also, you can check the thread below, where I describe with an example how to use the #pragma section:
Sorry for my late response on this question . The issue we are facing is my co worker is having to edit the section ( only the PFRAM RPFRAM) in the settings folder each time he does a pull from Git.
We both also seem to have issues with installing e2 studio on machines which had prior installations of E2 studio and have to go through dozens of iterations Apart from the current issue of sections needing to edited on one machine it refuses to launch the debugger citing it cannot find GDB command
rx-elf-gdb -rx-force-v2
Not sure if the install process did not go well.
What is the best way to completely remove any traces of E2 studio ( apart from normal windows uninstall) as we believe something is left behind after the uninstall.
At a point of time we had October 2023 version and also April 2024 and we settled on October 2023 version.
I have a lot of CCRX projects that make use of git.
All the project settings are stored in the .cproject file, so this one must be added to the git.
The newer e2studio has also the *.rcpc file. This file is auto generated based on the project settings and the selected build configuration, so don’t include this one in the git.
Your .gitignore should look something like this:
/HardwareDebug/ /Release/ /.settings/ *.rcpc
And if your repository sits in the workspace then also add:
If you use absolute file paths in your project settings, then this can give problems because not every PC has the same structure. There ar 2 options to make this work: