Hi, I have an external interrupt configured on a pin (see attached screenshot). There is nothing special about it but as soon as I trigger an interrupt on the pin e2studio gives the below error and things seem to become slow. It hits the breakpoint I've set up, but takes a long time to go there and then when I want to just step to the next instruction e2studio seem to loose comms with the E2 completely. This happens every single time with this interrupt but it doesn't happen anywhere else in the code.Another observation is that when I add a breakpoint to the UART RX ISR I get the same sluggish behaviour after the interrupt happened.
TRIED:I adjusted the interrupt priority to the highest, but it makes no difference.I simplified the ISR function to the point where it basically just increment a variable, but that also makes no difference. See attached - I deliberately made it so that it will never reach the v_irq_callback(p_args) call.
What is causing this problem?PS: I'm also attaching the launch configuration file, in case that will help spot a problem.
Error messageGDB action 'read memory', has failed with error report, Error 0x03000504: A fault error occurred in ACK of SWD communications. The error cannot be identified.
Project summary:Board: Custom User Board (Any Device) Device: R7FA4M1AB3CFM Toolchain: GCC ARM Embedded Toolchain Version: FSP Version: 3.7.0 Project Type: Flat
Follow-up: I reverted to a much older version of the software but still using the same FSP and e2studio and don't experience the problem there. So how can the firmware cause the E2 to seemingly malfunction? There are hundreds of commits between the old version and the current version that gives the problem so a pointer to where to look for the cause will be helpful. Also, both are using the same launch configuration file.