Hello Team,
I am looking for a boost converter with the following requirements :
Vin 2.5 To 4V
Vout >30V
power output 8W,
I did not manage to find any boost device that accepts Vin below 4.5V, could you please advise if we have anything to offer?
Thanks in advance.
Kind regards,
Hi Shai,
We have Boost regulator device which has minimum voltage 2.3V but max is 25 V & current up 2A
P.N :-ISL97516/ISL97519A
Else you can check Boost buck controller :- P.N :-ISL85403
In Boost mode it will work from 2.5V
Shai shalom you can use ISL97519A with extrenal Fet for higher voltage choose a fet with 65-55v at least see explanation in the datasheets make sure you are with in the chip correct spec limitation of the chip & run ISIM simulation at 500kHz any if you have questions please call me shabat shalom koby
Galberg Avnet Silica Israel :
AB_RENESASand koby,
Thanks a lot for your response, ISL97519A indeed looks like a good candidate with cascaded MOSFET topology.
Could you please share any schematic as a reference design to implement this topology correctly for achieving 30V output?
Waiting for your kind feedback, thanks a lot.
You can refer schematic from EVB for normal operation & refer cascaded operation for your spec.
To get review of your schematic kindly submit a Technical Support ticket by going to our support portal from the following link: https://en-support.renesas.com
You will need to sign in with your company email address, and if you don't have an account you will need to register with one. https://www.renesas.com/register .
Can you please provide me with more detail/explain how this Cascaded MOSFET works?
Maybe there are application notes regarding the Cascaded MOSFET method?
You can refer details form datasheet & once your schematic done we can review the same .
As there no specific application note available for cascaded MOSFET.