ISL78841ASxH VDD maximum rating


The datasheet for this device under the absolute maximum ratings states:

Supply Voltage VDD Without BEAM ...(GND-0.3V) to +30.0V

Supply Voltage VDD Under Beam .....(GND-0.3V) to 14.7V

What does "BEAM" mean?



  • The term "without beam" refers to an environment without heavy ions versus "under beam" which refers to a an environment under heavy ions. We determine this during SEE and specifically SEL (Single Event Latch-up) and SEB (Single Event Burnout) testing.

    The maximum operational voltage when not under beam is typically a safe voltage below the voltage breakdown of the device. 

    The maximum operational voltage when under beam is the safe voltage in a heavy ion environment so that SEL and SEB will not occur.

    The maximum operating voltage under beam is always less than when not under a heavy ion environment.   We make this distinction to allow for de-rating decisions made by system designers.

    Best regards,  Cindy, Renesas Online Apps Engineer