smarc_rzg2l board Android 10 update

We are using renesas smarc_rzg2l based board and We are trying to make the android 10 update working.But we couldn't make it working properly.

Steps we followed for testing update
1. build the ota package
source build/build/
lunch smarc_rzg2l-userdebug
make -j16 otapackage

2. Put the update image to data partition using adb (changed permission of file to 777) and call RecoverySystem.installPackage using a test app

3. It rebooted to recovery for install but installation failed with below error

We have tried checking if /cache is mounted by using "if(ensure_path_mounted("/cache") !=0)"  in "SetupPackageMount" .But it looks like /cache is not available.

Thanks in Advance