Hi team,

I saw the RZ/V2MA have opencv accelerator to execute OpenCV on DRP. I need same feature on RZV2L. Is it possible to do?

In RZV2L all preprocessing is running on CPU, AI models are running on DRPAI. I need to Access the DRP only for Image processing.

Is it possible to run a chain of traditional image processing algorithms on the DRP-AI processor on the RZV2L board? 

If yes, how, and what are the steps? Is something like the RZV2MA's DRP Lib which provides the image processing primitives as callable functions/API available for the RZV2L?

If no, then, what are the means and ways in which we can implement traditional algorithms which are required as part of the pre-processing steps for our workflow, so that they can run these faster on the A55 on RZV2L?

Your inputs are valuable.

Thank you

  • Hi Shabina,
    the "OpenCV on DRP" package has not been released for RZ/V2L yet.
    Please wait a bit or contact your local sales representative.
    Kind regards,

  • Hi Stefan et al, so the question is, can we run traditional image processing such as applying a "Median Filter" or doing "Canny Edge Detection" ONLY (and NOT AI) on RZV2L?
    From the available literature, it doesn't appear that there is any way that we can access and use just the "DRP" part of "DRP-AI". At the same time, none of the docs clearly indicate that we cannot access just the DRP part of the DRP-AI either.
    I'd like to use everything that is available on RZV2L, except the AI part. Is there any way to do that?

    Your valuable insights and inputs / clarifications are valuable and much appreciated. Thank you!

    Kind Regards,

  • Hi Stefan et al, so the question is, can we run traditional image processing such as applying a "Median Filter" or doing "Canny Edge Detection" ONLY (and NOT AI) on RZV2L?
    From the available literature, it doesn't appear that there is any way that we can access and use just the "DRP" part of "DRP-AI". At the same time, none of the docs clearly indicate that we cannot access just the DRP part of the DRP-AI either.
    I'd like to use everything that is available on RZV2L, except the AI part. Is there any way to do that?

    Your valuable insights and inputs / clarifications are valuable and much appreciated. Thank you!

    Kind Regards,
