Hi team,

I saw the RZ/V2MA have opencv accelerator to execute OpenCV on DRP. I need same feature on RZV2L. Is it possible to do?

In RZV2L all preprocessing is running on CPU, AI models are running on DRPAI. I need to Access the DRP only for Image processing.

Is it possible to run a chain of traditional image processing algorithms on the DRP-AI processor on the RZV2L board? 

If yes, how, and what are the steps? Is something like the RZV2MA's DRP Lib which provides the image processing primitives as callable functions/API available for the RZV2L?

If no, then, what are the means and ways in which we can implement traditional algorithms which are required as part of the pre-processing steps for our workflow, so that they can run these faster on the A55 on RZV2L?

Your inputs are valuable.

Thank you