I have interfaced a IR sensor (mlx 90632) with RZV2L I2C interface using PMOD connector.
1. I have validated the sensor using ESP32 I am able to retrieve the Sensor values.
I2C address: 0X3A Nau7802 I2c Address: 0x2A
Object temperature: 15.27 CNau7802 Reading: 437123
Object temperature: 15.37 CNau7802 Reading: 437300
Object temperature: 15.30 CNau7802 Reading: 437141
Object temperature: 15.32 CNau7802 Reading: 437218
Object temperature: 15.35 CNau7802 Reading: 437339
Bellow is my fsp config.
But while doing a sensor read it goes into Error state
uint32_t iic_clk = p0_clk / (1U << p_ctrl->p_reg->ICMR1_b.CKS);
Looking at fsp docs it says i2c clk is derived from P0
I am using i2c 0 channel.
I checked the value uint32_t iic_clk = p0_clk / (1U << p_ctrl->p_reg->ICMR1_b.CKS)
p_ctrl->p_reg->ICMR1_b.CKS is Null/ not defined.