I'm trying to automatically clear a timer (timer 1) when another timer (timer0) overflows.
As stacks, among others, I've g_timer0 set to channel 0, g_timer1 set to channel 1 end g_elc.
In g_timer1's properties, I enable in Input, Clear Source, the checkbox "GPT0_OVF (GPT0 GTCNT overflow (GTpr COMPARE MATCH))". If I do this, I get the following error:
Description Resource Path Location Typeg_timer1 Timer Driver on r_gpt: Requires an ELC peripheral function for GPT configuration.xml /test_irq Unknown Configuration Error
I did different trials in the event links tab too, but with no luck. The actual configuration is the following:
What Am I doing wrong? Thanks!
I solved by removing the checkbox in that option and using the following code to let g_timer1 use as source input the LLPP GPT Event A:
g_timer1.p_api->open(g_timer1.p_ctrl, g_timer1.p_cfg);
gpt_instance_ctrl_t * p_instance_ctrl = (gpt_instance_ctrl_t *)g_timer1.p_ctrl;
p_instance_ctrl->p_reg->GTCSR_b.CSELCA = 1;
But I'd like to know why doing it via the FSP configuration doesn't work, thank you!
Hi gabriele97,Our team is investigating your issue and will reach to you soon.Kind Regards.