Hi Can you list supported parallel(not lvds parallel bridge) displays for kernel version 5.10 Also if possible can you provide dts entry for parallel display
Hi anzal,
You can refer here (Example of Parallel(RGB) Panel on RZ/G2L (5.10))
Device Tree and Device Drivers - Renesas-wiki - Confluence
He hienhuynh can you list any displays you have used with the above dts entry???
please run "zcat /proc/config. gz | grep PANEL_SIMPLE" then send the output here.
i did and i updated it here
calixto_admin@localhost:~$ zcat /proc/config. gz | grep PANEL_SIMPLE gzip: /proc/config..gz: No such file or directory gzip: gz.gz: No such file or directory
sorry, config.gz . It does not have a space ....
calixto_admin@localhost:~$ zcat /proc/config.gz | grep PANEL_SIMPLE# CONFIG_DRM_PANEL_SIMPLE is not set
.... it is not set. You should make defconfig to apply your configs changed!
i did make the config and kernel
here is the defconfig file should i add anything else to this
Please send us file ".config" in your linux directory.
I saw this:
CONFIG_DRM_PANEL_SIMPLE=ySo, is it correct Image that you are deploying your board?
yes, do i have to clean the old build to build new one after modification??
If you build mannually by "make", just need to source SDK, run "make rzv2l_calixto_default_defconfig && make" then get the latest Image + dtb from "arch/arm64/boot/Image" and "arch/arm64/boot/dts"
yes i am following the same method
i will try cleaning all and try to build again
i cleaned the build and tried again same issue