We are working on a custom board based on RZ/G2L. We have ddr4,emmc,pmic, RZ/G2L all in one SOM. There were issues in regarding the UART0, ie, SCIF0. SCIF0 RXD was not working.
Then we changed RZ/G2L BGA through rework as we found other SOMs working perfectly. But now there is no communication from new RZ/G2L. PMIC is working and all voltages are correct in the TESTPOINTS. But we are not getting any response from RZ/G2L. And in SCIF0 download mode there is no PLEASE SEND message when we reset the board and no boot from Emmc.
Emmc had already programmed. There is no boot, no SCIF0 DOWNLOAD MODE, No display. New RZ/G2L BGA is not working.
Hi Eldhose Peter,
SCIF RXD only works if clk of DMAC module is turned on. So could you recheck the clock status of DMAC module?
We already have 3 SOMs. In 2 SOMs all are working, including SCIF RXD, SCIF TXD etc. This DMAC module is in RZ/G2L right? Other 2 SOM's SCIF RXD, SCIF TXD are working. But we replaced RZ/G2L BGA in that SOM that had issues and then no uart, no display, no emmc boot, not working anymore.
I came across your post regarding the issues you faced with the RZ/G2L SOM, specifically with UART0 (SCIF0) RXD not working and no communication from the replaced RZ/G2L BGA.
We are currently facing a very similar problem with our SOM based on the RZ/V2L:
It seems to be the same issue you described. Could you please share how you resolved this problem, if you managed to solve it? Your insights would be extremely helpful for us.