Something is confused about microSD card preparation for Setup RZ/V2L EVK and Setup RZ/V2H EVK

This is the set up for RZ/V2L EVK

This is the set up for RZ/V2H EVK

I am concerned about eSDbootloader. I see that for RZ/V2L EVK we have details step1 about microSD card formating. But I do not see this step for RZ/V2H EVK.

It means that for RZ/V2H EVK, we do not need step of microSD card formating? Is that right?

If I develop these 2 board, do I need 2 seperated microSD cards for time saving? As my understanding RZ/V2L EVK  and RZ/V2H EVK use difference AI SDK, so we can not reuse common environemtn. If I use only one microSD card, each time of developing for one board, I need to formar microSD card again. Is that right?

Thank you.

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