use zmod4410 to estimate formaldehyde concentration


It's confused when read below words from document:

Does that mean I can use tvoc value from zmod4410 to estimate  formaldehyde concentration roughly?

If not how I can know the zmod4410 can detect formaldehyde concentrations down to 50ppb? 


Parents Reply Children
  • Hi There, The ZMOD4410 will detect all TVOC gases but none of them selective. Formaldehyde is most likely the most tricky VOC because of the necessary low detection limits and a typically lower sensitivity of the sensing element. Also, a reliable formaldehyde measurement is only possible without the presence of any other VOC (e.g. alcohols). Since the ZMOD4410 is calibrated with typical indoor TVOC it will underreport for formaldehyde. The only option would be to develop your own calibration and algorithm using our raw sensor resistance output. BR JE_REN