ZMOD4510 library support for ESP32-S3

Hi there! I'd like to ask if you could compile 2nd gen OAQ libraries for Xtensa LX7 chips (ESP32-S3), since it's not available in the default firmware download.

Thanks in advance.

  • Hi FMontanari,

    Thanks for the request and reaching to the Renesas Engineering community. We are happy to assist you. Correct from the libraries of our download firmware package, we don't have ESP32-S3 yet.  It seems both ESP32-S2 and ESP32-S3 are using the same CPU core, I guess the library for ESP32-S2 can also be use in, could you please try to rename the folder "esp32s2" in the Renesas OAQ library to "esp32s3"? 

    The library files should be located in C:\Users\a5142080\Downloads\Renesas_ZMOD4510_OAQ_2nd_Gen_Example_4.0.0(13).zip\gas-algorithm-libraries\oaq_2nd_gen\Espressif ESP\ 



    Note: We are happy to say that we are going to release more sophisticated firmware soon (within a weeks) for selective O3 and NO2 measurements and will also release new library for other MCU also.

  • Hi FMontanari,

    Thanks for the request and reaching to the Renesas Engineering community. We are happy to assist you. Correct from the libraries of our download firmware package, we don't have ESP32-S3 yet.  It seems both ESP32-S2 and ESP32-S3 are using the same CPU core, I guess the library for ESP32-S2 can also be use in, could you please try to rename the folder "esp32s2" in the Renesas OAQ library to "esp32s3"? 

    The library files should be located in C:\Users\a5142080\Downloads\Renesas_ZMOD4510_OAQ_2nd_Gen_Example_4.0.0(13).zip\gas-algorithm-libraries\oaq_2nd_gen\Espressif ESP\ 



    Note: We are happy to say that we are going to release more sophisticated firmware soon (within a weeks) for selective O3 and NO2 measurements and will also release new library for other MCU also.

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