Hi, I am trying to evaluate ZMOD4410 to be a new tvoc sensor in our company's product. I got a bit overwhelmed by the amount of documentation and code examples I found from your sites. I would like to use:
- ARM M33 based SoC as the host MCU
- Compiler is arm-zephyr-eabi-gcc (Zephyr SDK 0.16.1) 12.2.0.
- Target algorithm is 2nd generation ULP
The principle seems quite straight forward.
1. Download and link proper pre-compiled library with correct algorithm to my app
2. Write I2C adaptation from zmod API to by HW
3. Write thread that reads sensor every 90s and feeds results to algorithm
4. Profit
But where I get confused is that where exactly I can get the latest library and API? I found some 200M packets with hundreds of examples from download pages for the sensor. From the forum I found some links to smaller zip files with only ULP and some adaptation examples. But I have no idea what are latest. Preferably I would only get the stuff I need and not zillions of unrelated examples for various processors.- library binary- All the needed API filesZMOD4410- Templates (or examples) for I2C/HW adaptation
Could you help me to right direction here?, Thanks.
Hi Fastfox,
Thanks for reaching out to the Renesas Engineering community. We are glad to assist you.
You can download the library files from below link:
Regarding interfacing to our sensor please go through the application the iaq_2nd_gen.h, zmod4xxx.h, zmod4xxx_types.h and zmod4410_config_iaq2.h all the functions are defined, and they are part of the ZIP you can download form the website, you can look at the Arduino or EVK example for how it's meant to be implemented.
For I2C interface:
Library files: ARM cortex M33
If anything is not clear, please feel free to ask.
Please go through the FAQ section for further information about ZMOD4410.
Knowledge Base | Renesas Customer Hub
Thanks for the very quick answer. I believe the link downloads something else than ULP library however. So what I am looking for is the 2nd generation ULP library.
Also, if you could help me to find the page where that is listed instead of direct link then I would not have to ask again if I want to try some other algorithms or if I want to update the library.
Hi FastFox,
Thanks for the update. please go through the below link (for ULP library):
Well. This part was left a bit unclear still"Also, if you could help me to find the page where that is listed instead of direct link then I would not have to ask again if I want to try some other algorithms or if I want to update the library."But I got stuff working now
You know what. Actually I am very confused. The link you put there in your answer downloads a zip called *1.1.0* and what I found earlier from some forum post was *1.2.0*. And even more confusing is that this is your link's release notes1.1.0 - Damage test now after stabilization time with minimum RMOx fail limit changed to 250 Ohm - Additional supported hardware platforms - Example supports new EVK communication board1.0.0 - initial versionwhile this is release notes from the 1.2.0 that I found earlier1.2.0: - Damage test now after stabilization time with minimum RMOx fail limit changed to 250 Ohm - Additional supported hardware platforms - Example supports new EVK communication board1.1.0: - Improved eCO2 - Improved RH/T compensation - Adapted cleaning procedure and used by default - Add growing baseline decay (replacing restart after 48 hours) - Add sensor self-check - Add Raspberry Pi example - Add Arduino example - Add polling time-out - Add interrupt usage hint in main.c file1.0.0: - Initial version
So 1.1.0 is 1.2.0 and other 1.1.0 has disappeared?
I suggest that if you really don't have a page that shows the downloadable FW packages and clearly states the version you really should make one.